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Empowering All of us to Escape the Bubble

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Journalism is one of the most noble professions in a free society. Making sure people are well informed about what's going on is critical to democracy. After all, a democracy is governed by the collective choices of its people. And for people to make the right decisions they need to know the truth about what's happening.


The sharing of educated opinions is also incredibly important to a free society. The exchange of ideas allows people to see issues from a variety of angles and perspectives.


Bubble State University proudly supports and respects both Journalists and Analysts.


What we aggressively oppose, however, is when Journalists also wear the hat of Analyst, especially when it is purposely hidden from the consumer. Even more treacherous is when a supposed news piece is actually a marketing tool for a specific agenda. Not only does this bring shame to the field of Journalism, it is misleading and causes great long-term damage to democracy by starving its members from independent thought. It's called brain washing and we don't like it one bit!

“You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

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