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Hot spots erupt, researchers warn of second wave in South


HEAD FAKE: This headline is meant to make you think that because the South has been opening up their populations that there is now "eruptions" in cases and they're doomed to a "second wave".


HEAD TRUTH: This is the first paragraph of the article "Dallas, Houston, Southeast Florida’s Gold Coast, the entire state of Alabama and several other places in the South that have been rapidly reopening their economies are in danger of a second wave of coronavirus infections over the next four weeks, according to a research team that uses cellphone data to track social mobility and forecast the trajectory of the pandemic." Notice, that there is absolutely NO mention of an actual "eruption" of anything. Rather some "research team" that has "models", you know, similar to all those "models" that have been spot on until now, says that according to their models these places "are in danger of a second wave". There is absolutely nothing new whatsoever in this article. It's just people speculating that as they open their economies they are in danger of second wave.

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